
Georgia renewable energy and energy efficiency

Georgia offers renewable energy and energy efficiency incentive programs, which are available for residential customers, small and large businesses, and government agencies, to improve the environment and stimulate sustainable economic development and growth.

A history of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Georgia

Georgia created the Solar Easements Act in 1978 to encourage the development of solar energy systems. This law allows owners of solar energy systems to ensure continued access to sunlight. The Georgia Cogeneration and Distributed Generation Act of 2001 allows residential electricity customers with solar PV, wind energy systems, or fuel cells up to 10 kW in capacity, and commercial facilities up to 100 kW, to connect to the grid. Also, Georgia allows, but does not require, utilities to offer net metering.

In 2008, Georgia established energy efficiency goals for new state building projects through SB 130, which requires that all major facility projects over 10,000 square feet should strive to exceed the efficiency standards of ASHRAE 90.1.2004 by 30%. In April 2008, the Governor separately created a policy to increase the energy efficiency of state government. State agencies and departments must reduce energy consumption 15% by 2020, using 2007 energy use as a baseline. Additionally, the Georgia State Codes Advisory Committee adopted the National Green Building Standard with Georgia-specific amendments as a voluntary code effective January 1, 2011.

Around one-tenth of Georgia's net electricity generation comes from renewable energy resources. Biomass accounts for almost half of that generation, and the rest is provided by hydroelectricity and solar PV. Georgia has both utility-scale solar PV facilities and distributed solar PV facilities, but no wind capacity has been installed in this state1.

Georgia's Renewable Portfolio Standard

Georgia does not have a renewable energy portfolio standard or a voluntary renewable energy target.

Important renewable energy organizations in Georgia

The Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) has exclusive power to determine fair and reasonable rates for telecommunications, electric, and natural gas services under its jurisdiction. The PSC regulates the rates charged and the services provided by most intrastate, investor-owned telecommunications, natural gas and electric utilities operating in Georgia and also issues pipeline safety regulations2. In July 2019, the commission approved an addition of 2,210 MW of renewable energy in

Georgia Power's 2019 Integrated Resources Plan, which is the largest increase in renewable energy in Georgia's history3.

Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) , founded in 1985, conserves and protects the state's energy, land, and water resources. The Energy Resources Division promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy assurance programs including the State Energy Program, which provides financial assistance and technical support for energy efficiency and renewable energy programs4.

Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) are public-owned, non-profit utilities. There are currently 41 EMCs providing service in Georgia, involved in the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. They serve approximately 4.4 million of Georgia's 10 million residents and 73 percent of the state's land area5. Some members offer incentive programs to encourage the adoption of renewable energy and the improvement of energy efficiency in their regions.

Georgia Power is the investor-owned electric utility in the state, regulated by the PSC. It provides electric service to customers in 155 of the state's 159 counties6. It offers both commercial and residential energy efficiency rebate programs. In July 2019, the PSC approved Georgia Power's long-term resource plan, authorizing the utility to own and operate 80 MW of battery energy storage while increasing its renewables portfolio by 72% by 20247.


  1. EIA. “Georgia State Profile Analysis”. accessed September 24, 2019.
  2. Georgia Public Service Commission. “An Introduction to Georgia Public Service Commission”. accessed September 25, 2019.
  3. Georgia Public Service Commission. “Media Advisory: Commission Adds 2,210 MW of Renewable Energy in Georgia Power 2019 Integrated Resources Plan”. accessed September 25, 2019.
  4. Georgia Environmental Finance Authority. “Energy Resources”. accessed September 25, 2019.
  5. Georgia EMC. “Georgia's EMCs”. accessed September 25, 2019.
  6. Georgia Power. “Customers by Region”. accessed September 25, 2019.
  7. Utility Dive. “Regulators Unanimously Approve Georgia Power Plan, Adding 80 MW Storage”. accessed September 25, 2019.

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